Featuring Prof. Sandro Formica, PhD. International Speaker, Author and Professor
Sandro teaches Managing Self and Others and The Science of Happiness and Positive Organizations at Florida International university and in selected European universities. Sandro’s book, “Personal Empowerment: Empower the Leader within You,” is highly experiential and contains over 200 self-awareness practices and exercises.
Forbes magazine labeled Sandro as the “Happiness Scientist.” Sandro is the Academic Director of the Chief Happiness Officer Certificate Program, granted by WOHASU and Florida International University, Chaplin School of Hospitality and Tourism Management. Sandro was selected as a keynote speaker at the World Happiness Summit from 2018 to 2023.
In the business/organizational domain, Sandro has provided Self-Leadership and Happiness training and consulting services to several international companies, such as DHL Europe (2021 and 2022 Best Place to Work Worldwide), The Manpower Group, UPS, Intercontinental Hotels, ACCOR, the Miami Heat, and AptarGroup. Also, he is the co-founder and developer of AwarePath, a web and mobile platform for organizations intending to achieve sustainable wellbeing and competitive performance through custom-made, digital personal growth programs.
As an academic, Sandro is the director of the research unit in “Positive Organizational Behavior & Human Capital” in La Sapienza University, Rome. He published in international peer-reviewed journals on the great resignation and quiet quitting, positive emotions, economics and self-awareness, human motivational factors and behavioral decision-making, executive education needs, United States vs. Europe training systems, and predictability of human preferences in future global businesses. His research papers were presented at several international conferences, such as the World Business Congress and the Quality of Life World Conference.